Keeping up with HVAC maintenance is the best way to avoid expensive repairs and keep your system running smoothly. You should check out the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific equipment and make sure to follow a yearly maintenance schedule.HVAC

If you see anything that looks amiss, call in a professional like Heating And Cooling Van Nuys to be safe. Here are some things to look for:

If the flame on your furnace is yellow or orange, it means there are combustion problems. You should call an HVAC specialist immediately to come and inspect the system. It may be that the heat exchanger is cracked or that the burners are dirty. These issues can cause the system to overheat and make your home unsafe.

When checking your HVAC system, you should also look for rust or dirt on the air ducts and electrical panels. The presence of rust or dirt is usually a sign that your ducts need to be cleaned. Dirty ducts can pump dust and allergens into your home. In addition, they can cause your system to work inefficiently and even short circuits.

A professional inspection can help you determine the most effective preventive maintenance plan for your HVAC system. This can include a tune-up, cleaning the air filter, replacing the blower motor, and checking the refrigerant. In addition, it should also cover other services like examining the thermostat and checking for electrical faults in the heating system.

Another important aspect of hvac maintenance is checking the flame sensor on the furnace. The flame sensor is an essential safety component that helps to prevent carbon monoxide leaks in the house. During the fall and winter, the flame sensor should be cleaned to keep it working properly. You can do this by using emery paper or light-grit sandpaper to scrub away the soot on the rod. After scrubbing the sensor, you should wipe it down with a lint-free cloth and reattach it to the control box.

Commercial field technicians should always keep their own safety in mind when performing a job. Whether they are on a routine inspection, doing some repairs on an existing project, or starting a new commercial contract, safety should be at the top of their priority list. A good way to achieve this is by making safety a part of every workflow. By incorporating safety into their work, field technicians will be more likely to follow proper procedures and protect themselves.

Routine preventive maintenance will increase the lifespan of your furnace and air conditioner. This can save you money in the long run, as a well-maintained HVAC system will need to be replaced less often.

Clean the Unit

When performing HVAC maintenance, it’s important to check the unit for things like dirty coils and clogged filters. These can prevent air from flowing properly throughout the home and reduce efficiency. In many cases, they can also lead to expensive repairs. By keeping up with routine maintenance, these problems can be prevented or spotted early and repaired before they cause major issues.

The HVAC technician will also inspect the ductwork to make sure it’s clean and in good condition. They’ll look for any holes or cracks that can allow dirt, dust, and pests into the home. They’ll also ensure that tenants aren’t blocking vents with furniture or other items.

During the spring, it’s also essential to replace the air filter. This will help to remove pollen and other allergens from the air, which can be a big benefit for people who suffer from allergies or breathing conditions.

In addition to replacing the filter, it’s also important to rake and hose down the outdoor unit to remove leaves, twigs, grass clippings, and other debris. It’s a good idea to keep plants trimmed back at least two feet from the unit as well. This will help maintain proper airflow and avoid overworking the unit.

It’s important to note that while there are some things that can be done by the homeowner, it is always best to leave the complicated or potentially dangerous work to the professionals. An HVAC system has a high voltage electrical system and often uses gas as well. This combination makes it very dangerous for an untrained person to open or mess with the unit without a professional.

When scheduling maintenance for a rental property, it’s essential to give tenants 24 to 48 hours notice of the work being performed. This will allow them to plan accordingly and make arrangements for any pets or children that may need to be kept away from the area. It’s also a good idea to notify tenants of any possible damage that could occur and how much it would cost to repair. This will help to alleviate any fears they might have and can help to improve tenant relations.

Check the Thermostat

When problems are occurring with an HVAC system, the first thing that you should check is the thermostat. These devices are a major component of the entire system, so if they go wrong it can cause a lot of other issues. That’s why it’s important to perform regular maintenance on the thermostat to ensure that it is working properly.

During an inspection of the unit, a professional technician will make sure that all components are in working order. They will also examine the air filter to be sure that it is clean and free of debris. They will look for any signs of water leaks or a carbon monoxide leak. They will also look at the controls, safety valves, fan, pump, piping and low water cutoff. If any of these components need to be replaced, the technician will inform the homeowner about the costs involved.

If you are performing a thermostat inspection on your own, be sure to remove the cover and perform a visual inspection. Dirt, dust and spiderwebs can build up inside the thermostat and hinder performance. This can cause it to read temperatures incorrectly or not turn on and off as needed. To prevent this, you should regularly clean the thermostat with a damp cloth or use compressed air to clear out any dirt build up.

Another common reason that a thermostat may not work is due to dead batteries. It is a good idea to always have extra batteries on hand for this reason. It is a simple and easy fix that can save you the expense of a service call.

Finally, if the thermostat’s screen isn’t lighting up, this could be a sign that it needs to be replaced. It is a good idea to consult the manual for this particular unit, as they often have troubleshooting or diagnostic sections that will help you determine the cause of the problem.

To test the operation of a thermostat, it is best to have a friend or family member stand by the furnace while you change the setting from cool to heat. When you do this, the person standing by should be able to hear the sound of the furnace turning on. If they can’t, the thermostat is likely defective.

Check for Debris

Like a car, your HVAC system can run better with regular maintenance. It’s less likely to break down or need replacing if it is cleaned, cleared of debris, and checked for leaks on a regular basis. This helps to prolong the life of your equipment, adding more years onto its lifespan and reducing the risk that you will need to invest in a new one before you have gotten the most out of your current investment.

During this time, your technician can also check the vents to see whether they are obstructed in any way. It is not uncommon for homeowners to block air flow through the vents unknowingly, such as by placing furniture in front of them or closing them during a chilly day and forgetting to open them again. This can significantly affect your home’s airflow and compromise the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Your HVAC technician can also take this opportunity to inspect the ductwork for leaks. Leaks will allow the air to escape, and this lowers pressure in the ductwork, which reduces the amount of air that is distributed throughout your home. You can usually tell if your ducts are leaking by simply touching them. If they feel cold, this means that air is escaping and not being distributed evenly.

You can help limit the number of leaks in your ductwork by making sure that the connections between sections are tight. You can also test for leaks by holding an incense stick or smoke pencil at the point where the ducts join and checking whether you can feel a breeze against your hand. If you can, this indicates that the ducts are leaking and should be fixed. This will also increase your home’s energy efficiency. You should also consider re-sealing your ducts, as this can improve your home’s air quality. This is especially beneficial for asthma and allergy sufferers.